Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I sent you an IM, but you didn't respond

Dear Ask 3 Guys,

I've been really flirtatious with a friend online (which I don't really see much, only sometimes). We flirted a lot online (really a lot). The thing is that, recently, he doesn't speak to me the same as before, and I don't know why. I've tried to ask him why this is, telling him that maybe his msn was wrong, but he only said "haha yeah maybe". What can I do? Do you think I'm too dependent on the internet?

--IM Girl

Dear IM Girl,

Victor's Take:

Maybe something changed in his life that he doesn't want to share with you.

He might have a girlfriend or the like. He should be honest and upfront about those things, but unfortunately - people withhold the truth all the time. It's happened to me numerous times, and, although I know that in their heart their intentions were good, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You cannot force him to tell you.

On another note, I think the Internet is in some ways effecting our social skills overall. If you spend your whole life online, how can you have a decent set of social skills? It sounds to me like you might be falling into that trap.

Remember, life is all about balance and moderation.


Ronnie's Take:

Seems like he views you in a different light now. Almost judgemental. Maybe he viewed you as a good girl and now he knows your bad-- LOL. You busted his fairytale, and that's his hangup.

Move on, next!!!!


Eddie's Take:

Yes, you are too dependent on the internet. Do yourself a favor-- stop analyzing things so much. It is not uncommon for someone to appear interested, or even single, when you are talking to them via the internet. My take is that he was busted by his girlfriend, and now she is monitoring his internet behavior. Sounds like you are making this way bigger than it really is. You guys flirted online, now it is over. You did nothing different, so he is the root cause. Just let it go. Don't fall for traps like this. Instead, focus on finding happiness within yourself. People make stupid decisions each day. Learn from them, move on, and improve your shady-character-detecting-skills.


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