Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's Romantic to Guys???

Dear Ask 3 Guys,

I'm romantically challenged (retarded)... Romantic female notions make me uncomfortable. Huge emotional displays leave me being perceived as an ice queen. And, I'm pretty much at a loss for what men see as romantic. Romantic visions of walks on the beach is not what I am referring to. We all know you end up with sand in your ass. So, there's three of you. What is romantic to men on a day to day, live with each other, bases? And, why is it?

--Romantically Challenged

Dear RC,

Victor's Take:

Anything that is pleasant / good and that is a surprise / unexpected.

Guys are pretty simple creatures, although I meet women all the time that try to complicate things. Cook us our favorite dinner, rent some soft porn and put on some sexy lingerie and be waiting for us when we get out of the shower, text us something sexy during the day, ask us out on a date and plan it (somewhere we love to go).... you get the idea.

Men appreciate love and romance, we just think about it differently. Men loved to be complimented just like women. Tell us you are proud of us... let us know that our ass looks great in those jeans...

When I use to do / be in serious LTR, I loved to get letters... just "Hello, I just wanted to let you know I love you..." went a very long way with me.
Add a lipstick kiss or a little spray of perfume on it for extra points. I have a box full of letters like this that I still keep and cherish today.

Men want to be the caregivers... the hunter gathers, but every now and then - a loving touch, a little help can bring about the most touching moments.

There is a scene in the movie Phenomenon where Kyra Sedgwick's character goes over to John Travolta's character's house and finds him disheveled and takes it upon herself to wash his hair and shave him. You can tell by the way that she looks at him while lending him a helping hand that she is in love. It is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.

I hope this helps...


Ronnie's Take:

A good hug, snuggling in the bed, a personal note (valentines day my gf placed personnel messages along my morning path and that was awesome), sitting outside on the swing looking at the stars, being told I'm your best friend. These to me are all personal and intimate to me. Sex has nothing to do with most of these as I do not see sex with romance. Sex is passion and heat. Basically romance is soft and thoughtful. Romance,soft and thoughtful, does usually end up with passion and heat though-- LOL!!!!!


Eddie's Take:

Understand this-- men and women are very different species, so the romantic desires of each are also rather different. Women know what they way, and guys usually know what they want; however, there is often a disconnect between theory and application-- because we are pretty lazy.

So, what's romantic to me? The occasional note in my lunch, sitting together watching a movie, or just doing something that I enjoy. I am so impressed when a woman will step out of her comfort zone to do something just because she knows I enjoy it. My wife taking a ride with me to the driving range would go much further than flowers or something.

Also, I agree with Vic in regard to compliments. A man always wants to feel like he is number one in your eyes. We need to hear how great we are sometimes.

So, pay attention to what we are in to, and take it upon yourself to tag along sometimes. Tell us how hot and great we are. And, don't forget to surprise us with our favorite food sometimes... mine is pizza!


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