Sunday, April 19, 2009

Should I tell my friend?

Dear Ask 3 Guys,

My friend heard about the website,, and one night with a few glasses of wine, we looked up guys we knew, and the husband of a casual friend popped up. One post was before they got married, but there was another post fairly recently, which must mean that he was cheating.

Should we tell her? Should we tell him? Or say nothing? We feel bad, they are a great couple, but we are just casual friends- we all say hi when we run into each other, trade a few emails every now and then, but not really close.


--Flabbergasted Friend

Dear Flabbergasted,

Victor's Take:

Here is my answer: no!

The problem that I have with these websites is that anyone can post any information they want there without zero verification. I could go on one of those websites and say that I slept with Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez. Does that make it true? Of course it doesn't. Unless the information can be 100% verified, no no no…

I'll take it one step further: even if the information could be verified to be true, I still wouldn't say anything.

But that's just me.


Ronnie's Take:

This is usually a no win situation. They stay together and you are lost as a friend. If you two are only casual friends, then I would just email her the site and tell her she should really check it out. I would want to know and I think you would also.


Eddie's Take:

If it is true, then he is a douche bag, and she needs to know. It infuriates me when the person that is being cheated on is always the last one to know. Usually, the friends know, the co-workers know, and even the family knows, but no one ever steps up and says anything. It is a difficult situation to put yourself in, because there could be a chance that the claim is erroneous.

However, I would look the page up with her, or maybe even just tell her about the page, so she can see for herself.

Cheaters are scum, and if this is your friend, she doesn't deserve to be with scum.

It's idiots like this that give men such a bad rap.

I admire your concern.


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