Monday, February 9, 2009

Foul-Mouthed Women

Dear Ask 3 Guys,

My first question for the 3 Guys is really just about something that has been driving me crazy lately – dare I say even becoming a pet peeve of mine…

So here goes…

“What do guys really think about foul-mouthed women?”

Now don’t get me wrong, I am so not above a cuss word here and there - be it spilled coffee, a little road rage, or even sometimes just for effect.

But, what I am talking about is these women/girls whose filth just falls from their mouths so frequently that you end up just getting used to it. Sometimes it’s just cussing – crassness, but then sometimes it’s just out and out vulgar.

Am I being oversensitive? Am I (ha!) being a prude? I don’t think so, I’m just tired of listening to women/girls who wear three size too small “Porn Star” stretched to the max t-shirts saying things that would make a sailor blush.

So, back to the question: “What do guys really think about foul mouthed women?”



Dear FCC,

Eddie's Take:

My stance is that you have a perfectly valid point. I am surely not beyond using foul language; however, there is a time and place for it. A woman with a disgusting mouth = total turn off. I don't care how hot she is... if she has to drop a half-dozen F-bombs to say she's going to get a cup of coffee, then she is not someone that would be in my company for long. I was in a Navy, but I have to draw the line somewhere. The biggest problem I have is these young mothers that publicly curse their children like animals.

So, let's set some upper and lower specification limits for the degree of allowable vulgarity...

1. I'm so glad we came to this concert. The Eagles are f*ckin awesome.
2. That motherf*cker just took my motherf*ckin parking spot.
3. This old b*tch knows she can walk faster. I should kick her in her stinky ass.
4. My car was stolen. Man, that is f*cked up.
5. F*ck that sh*t. You don't have to pay no motherf*ckin taxes.

These are just a few examples. I'm okay with 1 and 4. I would probably say 3, but it would be uncouth for a woman. Of course, 2 and 5 are off the chart.

My point is that we don't live in PG-13 world, but some people think we live in XXX world. The bottom line is that it screams "I AM NOT CLASSY" when every third word used is a curse word.


Ronnie's Take:

It's just a personal thing, and each guy will feel differently. I was raised to respect a lady, and I look at a foul mouth girl as cheezie. Most guys that are ok with nasty mouth girls are usually the kind I don't want dating my daughter.


Victor's Take:

This is one of those instances where you pretty much answered your own question - it is all about the context.

There are just simply times in life where nothing is going to get the job done like a good dropped F-bomb. There are other times where, foul language is completely inappropriate. My take - if you are walking around all of the time cussing like a drunken sailor, then you are probably going to be a turn off to me. There are times and places for dirty talk :)

As far as the tight t-shirts go with the "inappropriate" sayings... it is a current fashion trend that in time, will find it's place to wither on the vine and die. Until then, you are going to have to put the blinders on every now and then.

No, you are not a prude.

The thing I think about when I am around a foul mouthed woman (women that incisively curse where it makes me feel uncomfortable - and that is hard to
do) is a lack of intelligence and class. That's what crosses my mind, but I always consider the person, the environment, etc. It is completely a body of work - it always is (life is rarely in black and white) and I try not to be judgmental.

Thanks for your question.



  1. My ex had a dirty mouth and even in bed, plus she swallowed plus she was italian. go figure!

  2. Daughter in law is a foul mouthed women, can't stand it. Every morning she starts up with screaming at her dog, then my son's dog, then my dog. Her foul mouth disrespects the memory of my mother and grandmother.

  3. foul mouthed women lack class , morals and self respect. what I say is trash usually attracts trash, plain and simple
    a lady should act like a lady for the most part
    the bedroom is fine for that. but a vulgar women is trash.

  4. Eddie please define "prude" for me. Under your definition is any one who holds a moral standard a prude? I am so disgusted with where our cilture is heading, Using 'F' Bombs is NEVER ok. It happens yes, bur throwing out 'oh FUCK at ANYgiven sittuationis NEVER acceptable be it man orwoman. Unless you're a lawyer in old england speaking about rapw Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

    1. People who use foul language, ARE cowards, and WEAK, and IGNORANT and/or FOOLS

  5. I personally think a woman who constantly drops the F bomb just to say it like "dinner was F'n awesome" is classless, trashy and ignorant!


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