Thursday, February 26, 2009

Full Figured Women (We need love too!)

Dear Ask 3 Guys,

How does a woman who is overweight, old (46 years of age), single mother of a wonderful 14 year old boy - find a man? All men around my age, don't want a family, don't want someone that is overweight - I can deal with the over weight issue, I can lose the weight, but I can't get rid of my son. I do not do clubs - so I feel I am lost. So seriously, how does a woman that is ready for a relationship (Again) find a man?


Dear BBW,

Ronnie's Take:

"All" is way too strong of a word. Their are guys who would be interested in you even with children. You must find a way to increase your sample set. If clubs aren't your thing, that is fine, but they are not going to come knock on your door. Church, children activity places (you meet other single parents with kids), dating sites, work, friends, join a group, active at school functions, playground. Don't give up. There are plenty good guys left. Make sure you are not too picky and make sure you are comfortable single first.

Good Luck


Victor's Take:

There is a saying in the car business: "There is an ass for every seat."

I don't care if you are 5'2" and 87lbs. or 5'8" 200lbs., there is a guy out there that is going to like you for who you are. I promise you. Will losing the weight help - sure. What it will do is increase your sample set. But, more importantly - you will feel better, both physically and more importantly - mentally. Guys will sense your new confidence. As far as your son goes, when you are in your 40's and dating, just about any man that you run into is going to have children. I don't see the problem there, unless you are purposely seeking out men with no children.

If you don't do clubs, where do you go? What is your social life like? If you don't get on the boat, you can't catch the fish. Also, you have to fish where the fish are. There are 100's of women magazines that have articles every week and month about the best places to pick up men. I suggest picking some up.

From my personal experience, I get a kick out of it when a woman approaches me in the grocery store and asks me what I'm cooking tonight. Just an idea.

Good luck to you.


Eddie's Take:

Stop trying. Find a hobby to get into-- something that makes you happy. Learn something totally new. Take a ball room dancing class, guitar lessons, try golf, join a gym for a yoga or Pilate's class. When you do this, you will ignite a new fire inside of you. If you have kids, consider signing the family up for a martial arts class. It will be fun, the kids will get a lot out of it, and you will learn some self-defense, while getting in shape.

All I am saying is that you need to take time to work on you. You'll find that you won't be worried about meeting Mr. Right. You'll just be worried about keeping up with your newly discovered interests. What will you get out of this? A new found confidence, which, by the way, is a very attractive feature in a woman. Guys like to see a woman that knows who she is, as well as one that is happy, confident, and in control of her life.

So, try being a little adventurous. No need to mope around wondering where the guys are. Get out there and live your life. Commit to something, and follow up with us in 3 months to share your success.

You can do it. Just put your mind to it.


1 comment:

  1. We all strive for a version of happily ever after, where our needs and those of our partner are met in a shared life we build together. But, for whatever reason, sometimes that doesn't happen. Instead, what we thought was promising turns out to be toxic. Yes leaving a Toxic relationship is not easy but it is the best you can do for yourself. Because as a beautiful and strong person you are, you simply deserve the best. I was in a toxic relation relationship and it's drained me to last bit I could handle,he also cheats in any blinking opportunity,but all thanks to ''hackingloop6@ gmail . c o m'' for their hacking and counselling service that gained me a remote access to all his phone activities and exposed his cheating ass.So I made the decision by leaving. You can too.Most times it's the best decision to walk out of a wrong and blood-sucking relationship. Hackingloop is also reachable on + 1 712 292-2655,contact him if your partner's commitment is in doubt.


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